SBAT In Fitness

Fitness Traineeship 

One Training empowers its community to reach new heights through its tailored approach to learning. At One Training we drive connection, confidence and community through education.

One Training’s unique, tailored approach to learning is highly recognised within the Australian
sporting landscape. Due to this reputation, we are a leading provider of fitness qualifications for professional athletes.

Are you looking to enrol into the SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness via a School Based Traineeship (SBAT)?

What is an SBAT?

School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBATs) are available to all Year 10, 11 and 12 high school students in NSW. They allow students to commence an apprenticeship or commence and complete a traineeship while at school. A school-based apprenticeship or traineeship combines paid work, training and school; and as well as an industry recognised national qualification you will gain credit towards the HSC.

What is an SBAT?

School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBATs) are available to all Year 10, 11 and 12 high school students in NSW. They allow students to commence an apprenticeship or commence and complete a traineeship while at school. A school-based apprenticeship or traineeship combines paid work, training and school; and as well as an industry recognised national qualification you will gain credit towards the HSC.


To be eligible to be subsidised to undertake a qualification 
under the SBAT Program a student must:

(a) be undertaking a qualification listed on the NSW Skills List 
 as an apprenticeship or traineeship qualification, and

(b) an approved or registered School Based Apprentice or 
 School Based Trainee in NSW at the time of commencing 
 the qualification, and

(c) have the qualification shown on their Training Contract.


To be eligible to be subsidised to undertake a qualification 
under the SBAT Program a student must:

(a) be undertaking a qualification listed on the NSW Skills List 
 as an apprenticeship or traineeship qualification, and

(b) an approved or registered School Based Apprentice or 
 School Based Trainee in NSW at the time of commencing 
 the qualification, and

(c) have the qualification shown on their Training Contract.

Smart and Skilled Subsidised Training

Smart and Skilled is a NSW Government program that helps people get qualifications in in-demand skills and industries.

It’s a key part of the NSW vocational education and training system.

Smart and Skilled gives eligible students: an entitlement to government-subsidised training up to and including 
Certificate III.

Under the NSW Government’s Fee-Free Traineeship Initiative, NSW School Based Trainees who 
are funded under Smart and Skilled, and commence subsidised training on or after 1 January 2020, 
are eligible for free training.

A school based trainee eligible under this initiative will be exempt from fees for their 
traineeship qualification.

For more information on the smart and skilled subsidised training click the link below.

SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness


The SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness is a nationally recognised vocational qualification designed to provide individuals with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to work as a gym instructor or group exercise instructor within the fitness industry. 

One Training’s unique approach to learning provides the opportunity for students to maximise their knowledge of the health and fitness industry by learning from industry leading experts. Students can apply the knowledge learnt in the course through a range of methods to enable them to have a successful transition into the fitness industry on completion of their qualification.

Commitment Required

  • Undertake a minimum of 100 days (760 Hours) of paid employment
  • Complete the Certificate III in Fitness as part of your HSC, requiring 300 hours of study spread across Years 11 and 12.
  • Employment and training can take place during school hours, after school, or throughout school holidays

Units of Competency

BSBOPS304 – Deliver and monitor a service to customers

HLTWHS001 – Participate in workplace health and safety

SISFFIT032 – Complete pre-exercise screening and service orientation

SISFFIT033 – Complete client fitness assessments

SISFFIT035 – Plan group exercise sessions

SISFFIT036 – Instruct group exercise sessions

SISFFIT040 – Develop and instruct gym-based exercise programs for individual clients

SISFFIT037 – Develop and instruct group movement programs for children

HLTAID011 – Provide First Aid

SISXCAI009 – Instruct strength and conditioning techniques

SISFFIT047 – Use anatomy and physiology knowledge to support safe and effective exercise

SISFFIT052 – Provide healthy eating information

BSBXTW301 – Work in a team

CHCDIV001 – Work with diverse people

BSBPEF301 – Organise personal work priorities

Qualification Outcome

Successful completion of the course will provide the graduate with: 

  • SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness qualification (Nationally Accredited)
  • HLTAID001 Provide First Aid
  • Working with Children’s Check (WWCC) 

Delivery Structure

Since 2017, One Training has been a pioneer in online education, utilising Zoom’s virtual classroom to provide a seamless and flexible learning experience tailored to each student’s needs.

  • SBAT Program Structure: Combines both online learning through Zoom and practical placement for a comprehensive fitness education.

  • Weekly Zoom Sessions: Students engage in 2 x 2-hour Zoom sessions per week, including interactive group discussions, role-playing, and case study simulations.

  • Theory Assessments: All theory-based assessments are completed during these online sessions.

  • Practical Assessments: Practical assessments will be held over two full days in Year 11 and another two days in Year 12, with dates scheduled over weekends to minimise disruption.

  • Workplace Activity Logbook: Students will receive a logbook to track on-the-job training activities aligned with their units of competency.


The SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness is the first entry point into the Fitness industry. This will allow graduates to initially work as a gym desk or floor all rounder or as a group fitness trainer 
in a range of gym, sport and recreation centres. Graduates also have the opportunity to run their own outdoor fitness business and work with a range of fitness groups such as children’s fitness and Boot Camps. 


Completing a SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness opens the doors to a myriad of educational opportunities both in professional and personal development: 

  • SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness
  • Specialised Certifications
  • Health Promotion or Nutrition Courses
  • Continuing Education and Workshops


This training is subsidised by the NSW Government

How to obtain a USI

In order to enrol into the SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness you will need to obtain a USI. To check your USI Number or to create one click the below.   

How to obtain a USI

In order to enrol into the SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness you will need to obtain a USI. To check your USI Number or to create one click the below.   

Enrolment Process

  1. Course Application
  2. Course Information & Employment Guide Sent
  3. Enrolment Interview
  4. Employment Screening
  5. Traineeship Sign up
  6. Course Enrolment
  7. Notification of enrolment 
  8. Orientation & Onboarding
  9. Employment commencement 
  10. Course commencement 

During the course enrolment students will be required to do the following:

  1. Complete all information in the enrolment form
  2. Complete Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Assessment
  3. Provide or obtain their USI
  4. Complete the student consent form which allows One Training to provide personal information collected from students to the Department for use by the Department and other government agencies, including those in other States and Territories in Australia. 


Note: If under 18 years of age at the time of giving consent, then the consent of their guardian is required


Some of our students

Student Testimonial

Student Handbook

Click on the image of the Learner Handbook to download or view the document

Careers Advisor Information

If you are interested in attending one of our live information sessions on Zoom please click the link below

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